Setting investment goals

Setting investment goals is an important first step on your journey towards financial independence

As with most things in life, you’re more likely to achieve success if you set clear goals for yourself. It’s no different with investing. That’s why setting investment goals is such an important step on your financial journey.

When setting your investment goals, start by asking yourself the following questions.

Why are you investing?

Are you looking to buy a house, or make your retirement a little more comfortable? Being specific will make your goals real – and help you understand what you need to do to achieve them.

What is your investment timeframe?

Saving for a holiday next year will need a very different strategy to saving for a comfortable retirement. Your age and your investment timeframe will have a big impact on your investment choices.

How much risk are you comfortable with?

The more lofty your goals, the greater the risk you will need to take to achieve them. Depending on what level of risk you’re prepared to accept, you may need to adjust your goals.

Your financial adviser can help

Speak to your financial adviser about your investment goals. They can help you put a financial plan in place to achieve your goals. If you don’t have an adviser, we can help you find one.

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